Adelaide's movement

About the movement

Adelaide National Park City

What is a National Park City?

National Park City is a global movement to create cities worldwide where people and nature are healthier and better connected.

The concept originated in the UK, with London being coined the first National Park City in 2019. It’s inspired by the relationship we have with nature in national parks – and it’s about bringing that relationship into our everyday lives.

It’s a status that demonstrates a commitment to creating cities rich with nature, where wildlife flourishes and people enjoy the benefits of the natural world without having to travel away from the urban environment.

Adelaide's movement

Adelaide National Park City area covers all the suburbs of Greater Adelaide.

Adelaide's movement

Adelaide National Park City


A city rich with nature where people are actively connected with the environment and each other.


To inspire and empower people to connect with nature in the urban landscape.

Nature in the urban environment includes green and blue spaces such as public parks and gardens, rivers and creeks, coasts and beaches. It can also include streets and corridors, paths and trails, green walls and rooftops, schools and home gardens.


  • Groups, organisations and individuals are inspired and empowered to connect with and care for nature and their communities.
  • ANPC is recognised and supported by all sectors of the community and strives for equity and inclusivity.
  • ANPC works together with Kaurna Miyurna to care for the cultural landscape of Kaurna Yarta and achieve shared goals.
  • An appropriate governance model that fosters broad community ownership and widespread action.
  • ANPC contributes to the global National Park City movement through leadership and support for the global community of practice.

Read the Adelaide National Park City Charter

Adelaide's movement

How’s the movement tracking?

Green Adelaide spearheaded the campaign and application process for Adelaide to become a National Park City in 2021. Adelaide was awarded the National Park City status on 10 December 2021 at the World Urban Parks Congress – making us the second in the world and first in Australia to receive the status.

Adelaide's movement

We’ve been building relationships with local and state government, business and industry, and the wider community to collaborate on building nature connections in many different ways. Individual supporters and partners like the 17 councils across metropolitan South Australia were key to the success of the campaign, and continue to make contributions to uphold the status.

Together we held a month-long celebration in June 2022, through more than 150 events and activities throughout metropolitan SA, and the unveiling of our mural at Gate 19 in Adelaide Airport.

Since then, activations contributing to our National Park City status have been in collaboration with Grow It Local, Science Alive in National Science Week, Nature Festival in spring, the Premier’s Reading Challenge STEM competition, State Flora, and local councils.

We’re working on the leadership structure for Adelaide National Park City.

Check out our stories for recent highlights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that isn't answered here?

Get in touch

Is this just for the Adelaide CBD?

Adelaide National Park City covers all of Greater Adelaide. It extends across the northern plains, eastern hills, southern vales and some of the St Vincent Gulf marine environment.

What can I do to help?

You can be part of the movement by:

I've got ideas! Where should I send them?

We'd love to hear your ideas and nature connection stories. Send us an email.

I want to collaborate. Who should I contact?

There are lots of ways individuals, businesses, schools, community groups and even other cities can collaborate with Adelaide National Park City. Send us an emailso we can discuss ideas.

What is the Adelaide National Park City Charter?

The Adelaide National Park City Charter is an agreement on a shared vision for the future of the city. Read the Charter

I’m not in Adelaide. How can I make my city a National Park City?

Find out more about the National Park City Foundation and their global movement.